Merry Witty has been practicing Healing Arts in Boulder, Colorado for 30 years.
Merry Witty has been practicing Healing Arts for 30 Years. Merry has been described as a gifted healer, able to help people open new pathways and create new possibilities in their lives. Merry has a deep working knowledge of Circle of Life ~ Geotran, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, and Visceral Manipulation. Merry works with people of all ages, and has a special gift of working with infants, babies, and children. People call Merry the Baby Whisperer. The Vision of Well Beyond is to restore our connection with Spirit, the Ultimate Healer, so that we may receive our many blessings. Merry Witty’s focus, and dreams for people, is that they receive healing and understanding in many areas beyond the physical, to assist and move WELL BEYOND traditional limitations. By restoring balance, and homeostasis, each person can live in the fullness of their life, dreams and health: creating healing of the body, mind, spirit and soul. With Balance, freedom of movement, and abundant health, people have more choice.
Keywords: Geotran, Cranial Sacral Therapy, craniosacral therapist, Visceral Manipulation, Labyrinth, Ion Cleanse, hands on healing, biodynamic craniosacral, Boulder, Longmont, Broomfield, Louisville, Lafayette, Superior, Colorado